"In its infinity there is a singularity of everything.”

- Dr. George Koutitas, Augmented Training Systems

We pulled an ongoing project-of-love off the shelf this week to support our amazing friends at Peace Boat US, titled “Tide Together.” From NASA Oceanography to Mote Marine Laboratory, Zpryme gathered ten unique individuals that work closely with (or passionate about) the ocean to share a 1. Meaningful moment and 2. Illustrate that moment. Marker and paper in hand, Dr. George Koutitas was the first to step in sharing a story about his father. ⛵🌊


An NGO which depends on the income from voyages for all its advocacy, campaigns and projects, the impact of the pandemic has been far too great. Over the years, we have faced many challenges and there were times when it seemed as though the challenges were too great, but our determination to provide a space to build a better world and the support from our friends gave Peace Boat the strength to continue. And today, in this deep crisis, we turn to our friends around the world for support: gofundme.com/support-peace-boat

Want to learn more?

Contact Peace Boat US Director: emilie@peaceboat-us.org