Abbe Ramanan is a Project Director at Clean Energy States Alliance and Clean Energy Group. In her role at CESA, Abbe specializes in equitable low-income solar policy. She manages the Solar with Justice: Connecting States and Communities project, which focuses on how state agencies can collaborate with community-based organizations to develop impactful, equitable solar policies for underserved communities. At CEG, Abbe supports the development of equitable solar and battery storage projects in underserved communities through the Resilient Power Project, which strives to provide resilient power technologies to the communities that need it most. Abbe received a master’s degree from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, where she wrote a master’s thesis on state models for improving access to solar energy for LMI communities. Prior to working at CESA/CEG, Abbe worked with the Access and Equity team at Vote Solar, where she helped develop solar workforce development initiatives for low-resource communities. In addition to her master’s degree from The Fletcher School, Abbe holds a bachelor’s degree in international studies from American University.
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