Any doubts that renewable-generated electricity is pouring onto utility grid infrastructure will be quickly dispelled by recent Zpryme analyses of U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) net metering data. Specifically, in April 2021, U.S. net metering capacity reached 26,891 MW, which represents an 17.9% increase in capacity compared to April 2020.
According to the U.S. EIA form 861M detailed data analyzed, solar/PV accounted for 97% of both capacity and type of customers.
Managing this paradigm-shifting influx of distributed power generation onto their infrastructure, the top five utilities by total net metering capacity were PGE (5,463 MW), SCE (3,332 MW), SDG&E (1,492 MW), APS (1,316 MW), and National Grid Massachusetts (1,091 MW).
Zpryme analysis further show that the top five utilities by total net metering energy transferred from residential, commercial, and industrial prosumers back to utilities were Eversource (69,139 MWh), Tucson Electric Power (33,206 MWh), Duke Energy Florida (28,002 MWh), LADWP (24,755 MWh), and FPL (18,597 MWh).
To learn how to access the full report and review findings in detail, go to the U.S. Net Metering and Non-Net Metering Distributed Energy Trends April 2021 report.
Michael G. Albrecht
Bringing 10+ years experience conducting interviews, research and writing articles on the Digital Transformation of the electric grid, water and gas utilities. Areas of research include IT/OT Convergence, IIoT, AI/ML, 5G, Cloud, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, edge computing, renewable energy and battery storage, cybersecurity, data analytics, and evolving regulatory and policy activity. Work published in Powergrid International, Transmission & Distribution World, Utility Analytics, Energy Central, Smart Grid Insights, CMG Consulting, and Renewable Energy World. The driving force behind my work is a desire to deliver in-depth research and writing to utilities to assist their technology decision-making and marketing efforts during this period of significant digital transformation and business model transition.