"As a society we have got to do a better job with letting people from marginal living spaces know that these jobs (lineworkers) exist."
- Shermann "Dilla" Thomas, ComEd area operator
Made possible by Salesforce and recently premiered at The DuSable Museum of African American History in Chicago—dedicated to the study and conservation of African-American history, culture, and art—the short-doc, Chicago Legend, takes a intimate look at Shermann “Dilla” Thomas and the importance his ComEd career played in helping to not just raise his family, but also the ability to do the work to highlight all of the amazing hidden, and not so hidden gems, that Chicago has to offer visitors from all over the world.

“On behalf of team of 6,200 ComEd employees, I want to congratulate Dilla on the premiere of his documentary and thank him for sharing his story that is inspiring others to play a role in powering their communities for the future,” said Diana Sharpe, Vice President of Large Customer Services at ComEd. “Like ComEd, Dilla’s roots in Chicago go back over 100 years. His story is a testament to our shared commitment to service and providing clean and reliable energy service that millions of customers depend on every day in Chicago and across the region.”

“It just felt right. Once we met and talked to Dilla, the story came together on its own. Welcoming us into his home and community, he is a man that has a clear, strong vision and voice, and we were humbled to be a part of this amazing team that is now going to share it with the world,” said Mark Ishac, Creative Lead for Zpryme and and Director of “Chicago Legend.”

Just like Dilla’s history lessons – Zpryme took great care to ensure an inclusive portrayal of local voices, it was up to Zpryme to bring it all together in a cohesive, concise documentary that caught the magic Dilla brings to Chicago.

A husband, father of seven, and full-time ComEd area operator, learn more about the urban historian who calls Chicago home.
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Dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of the rich history and culture of the city of Chicago. We aim to highlight Chicago’s people, architecture, and impact on the world. Our passion fuels our duty to deliver this history and educate current and future generations. We desire to plant a seed that will foster a sense of pride and community. “The Chicago Way.” Donate here. 🚌
For more information or to schedule interviews, please contact:
Bethany Ruhe
Mark Ishac
With a background in research, Mr. Ishac leads all-things-creative and all that jazz at Zpryme. #loveyourenergy