
The purpose of this monthly report is to track consumer interests in electric vehicles (EVs) and identify key insights based on age, U.S. region, and gender. This report further identifies major barriers facing consumers as it relates to their interest in purchasing an EV. Lastly, the data provides consumer perceptions about whether they view their utility as a key source of information for EVs. The data in this report was collected at the end of June 2021.

The supporting data and figures in this report can be found in the accompanying data file.


The data and graphics in this report are from Zpryme’s monthly and quarterly consumer benchmarking surveys. Data is based upon a nationally representative survey sample of 1,000 U.S. adults (margin of error: +/- 3.5%).


  • Just over ten percent (10.1%) of all of these respondents in June said they were likely to buy an EV in the next 12 months, with the 25–34-year-olds most likely (17.7%).
  • By far, being too expensive is the biggest concern (25.8%) about purchasing an EV.
  • A sizable proportion (17.2%) reported that they were likely to seek EV information from their utility, with those in the 25-34 age group reporting the largest percentage (21.2%) likely to seek such information.
  • A review of findings from March-June 2021 revealed a decline in likeliness to purchase an EV from a high of 15.2% in March to the present 10.1%. Being too expensive is still the number one concern, but the June level is about the same (25.8%) as found in May (25.3%). The likeliness of seeking EV information from utilities has varied from a low of 13.1% in April 2021 to a high of 17.2% in June 2021






Report (PDF), Data (XLSX)



Graphs, Tables

Single Report

$800-$1,500per report
  • 1 Report
  • 1 Data File

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