The purpose of this quarterly report is to track return to work expectations and the importance of having a remote work option among employees. The results of the analysis are presented by age, U.S. region, and gender. The data in this report was collected at the end of March 2021.
The supporting data and figures in this report can be found in the accompanying file.
The data and graphics in this report are from Zpryme’s monthly and quarterly consumer benchmarking surveys. Data is based upon a nationally representative survey sample of 1,000 U.S. adults (margin of error: +/- 3.5%).
- For people who are working with jobs, the largest group (42.3%) was already back in the office, with another 26.2% saying their employers expected them back in the office in 1 to 6 plus months. More working females (45.7%) than working males (39.4%) were already back in the office.
- The Northeast region had the most (54.7%) who were back in the office already. The oldest (65+) and younger age group (25-34 had nearly identical proportions already in the office (46.0% and 45.9%, respectively).
- 9% of the respondents said working from home/remotely was important to them (25.6% very important). The south reported the biggest portion (47.6%) saying remote work was important, with the West region reporting the smallest proportion (32.1%). Generally, the importance of being able to work from home decreases with age.
Report (PDF), Data (XLSX)
Graphs, Tables
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