
This monthly report tracks the growth of U.S. net metering customers, capacity (MW), and total MWh sold back to the grid. Analysis is provided by state, utility, third party operator (TPO), technology, and customer type. Non-net metering distributed generators and capacity are also covered in this report for the U.S., by state and utility.


Analysis and data for this report was done by Zpryme using the U.S. EIA form 861M detailed data.

Net Metering Trends Through June 2021

  • In June 2021, U.S. net metering capacity reached 30,931 MW. This represents a 19.2% increase in capacity compared to June 2020. Residential, commercial, and industrial customers accounted for 59.5%, 33.0%, and 7.5% of net metering capacity, respectively, at the end of June 2021.
  • In June 2021, U.S. net metering customers reached 2.91 million. This represents an 17.8% increase in customers compared to June 2020. Residential, commercial, and industrial customers accounted for 96.2%, 3.5%, and 0.3% of net metering customers, respectively, at the end of June 2021.
  • Solar/PV was the primary technology source (about 97%) for both capacity and type of customers.
  • From January to June 2021, cumulative net metering energy sold back totaled 1,292,266 MWh. This is a 9.8% decrease over the same time period in 2020. In June 2021, residential, commercial, and industrial customers accounted for 61.59%, 37.4%, and 1.0% of net metering energy sold back, respectively.
  • In June 2021, the top 5 states by total net metering capacity were California (11,722 MW), New York (2,381 MW), New Jersey, (2,266 MW), Massachusetts (2,261 MW), and Arizona (1,864 MW). California accounts for 37.9% of all net metering capacity in the U.S.
  • In June 2021, the top 5 states by total net metering customers were California (1,316,700), Arizona (199,445), New York (154,088), New Jersey, (141,062), and Massachusetts (116,499). California accounts for 45.3% of net metering customers in the U.S.
  • In June 2021, the top 5 states by total net metering energy sold back were Massachusetts (60,089 MWh), Florida (50,457 MWh), Arizona (42,911 MWh), California (28,741 MWh), and Connecticut (14,165 MWh).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 utilities by total net metering capacity were PGE (5,599 MW), SCE (3,416 MW), SDG&E (1,524 MW), APS (1,347 MW), and Eversource Energy (1,101 MW).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 utilities by total net metering customers were PG&E (571,335), SCE (412,880), SDG&E (218,630, APS (126,542), and Xcel Energy (67,763).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 utilities by total net metering energy sold back were Eversource (59,497 MWh), Tucson Electric Power (29,796 MWh), LADWP (27,408 MWh), Duke Energy Florida (26,820 MWh), and FPL (16,348 MWh).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 third party owners (TPO) by capacity were Sunrun (3,233 MW), SolarCity (2,692 MW), Sunnova (919 MW), SunPower (625 MW), and Spruce Finance (233 MW).

Non-Net Metering Trends Through June 2021

  • In June 2021, U.S. non-net metering capacity reached 3,477 MW. This represents a 20.0% increase in capacity compared to June 2020. Residential, commercial, and industrial customers accounted for 24.1%, 55.7%, and 11.1% of net metering capacity, respectively, at the end of June 2021. The remaining 9.1% was from direct connected non-metering generators.
  • From June 2020 to June 2021, solar/PV non-net metering capacity increased by 30.6%, from 1,606 to 2,097, respectively. In June 2021, solar/PV accounted for 60.3% of all non-net metering U.S. capacity.
  • In June 2021, U.S. non-net metering distributed generators reached 278,571. This represents a 14.2% increase in generators compared to June 2020.
  • In June 2021, the top 5 states by total non-net metering capacity were Texas (780 MW), California (509 MW), Florida (283 MW), Georgia (280 MW), and Massachusetts (231 MW).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 states by total non-net metering generators were New Jersey (166,910), Texas (74,500), Hawaii (6,498), Illinois (5,048), and Rhode Island (4,711).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 utilities by total non-net metering capacity were Oncor (468 MW), Georgia Power (268 MW), SCE (242 MW), FPL (206 MW), and ComEd (192 MW).
  • In June 2021, the top 5 utilities by total non-net metering generators were PSE&G (166,905), Oncor (49,118), CenterPoint Energy (15,269), AEP Texas (7,336), and ComEd (4,978).



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