The purpose of this quarterly report is to track customer experience level ratings among utilities and provide a cross industry rating for customer experience. The results of the analysis are presented by age, U.S. region, and gender. The data in this report was collected at the end of March 2021. The supporting data and figures in this report can be found in the accompanying Excel file. The 10 industries rated in this report are listed below.
- Airline
- Banking
- Cable TV
- Primary Doctor/Health care
- Insurance
- Internet
- Online shopping
- Phone/wireless
- Streaming
- Utilities
The data and graphics in this report are from Zpryme’s monthly and quarterly consumer benchmarking surveys. Data is based upon a nationally representative survey sample of 1,000 U.S. adults (margin of error: +/- 3.5%).
- Primary health care/doctor, banking, and online shopping scored the highest in customer service with a rating of 3.95, 3.90, and 3.89, respectively (based on 1-5 scale). Cable TV and internet were the lowest at 3.32 and 3.43, respectively.
- Utilities were ranked 5th out of the 10 industries analyzed with a score of 3.69. Utilities were highly rated by 57.8% (36.1% good and 21.7% excellent) of the sample, with only 6.8% saying the service was poor.
- The Southern region had the biggest number rating utilities high (62.0%). The youngest group (18-24) had the smallest high rating (43.5%) for utilities, while the largest high rating (64.9%) was given by those 45-54.
Report (PDF), Data (XLSX)
Graphs, Tables
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