September 30, 2020

2:30 PM EDT


To Note:

  • Americans are facing tremendous challenges due to the pandemic, that calls for immediate action within the electric utilities sector to better understand customer and workforce behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions.
  • From social justice to socioeconomics—the appropriate planning, sensitivity, and response strategies need to happen now.
  • Utilities such as ComEd are extending moratorium on residential disconnections due to pandemic until March 31.

Join MaryAnne Brelinsky EDF Energy President, Dr. Massoud Amin University of Minnesota Professor, Phil Nevels Exelon Utilities Director of Innovation and Partnerships, with host Zpryme’s Chris Moyer for the flagship panel—Utility Response. Our guests will discuss recent headlines that cross the following areas:

  1. Inclusion: Mirror the communities you serve. If utilities are working to build the next-gen workforce–one with diverse, highly skilled, and qualified State of New York energy-family capable of delivering on the responsibility to meet customers’ evolving needs. What customer initiatives—including metrics—will utilities implement to better educate and engage its community on: diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging?
  2. Community: Inspiring confidence, utilities have essentially been forced to take a growing interest in not only customer experience, but more importantly the ability to keep the lights on for those that cannot pay their bill. What are utilities goodwill efforts? How are customers less fortunate being educated? Is there a grassroots contingency plan? Environmental justice initiatives and stance?
  3. Resiliency: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy, North American Electric Reliability Corporation and the North American Transmission Forum issued an Epidemic/Pandemic Response Plan Resource (“Resource”) several months ago, providing guidance to plan for and respond to an epidemic or pandemic event. Including natural disasters (eg storms), many customers are concerned about the health and safety of themselves and their loved ones—including utility staff—how is this being addressed?
