"Right now people look at designing for disabilities as doing good, but really it’s this powerful tool that we have to create groundbreaking innovations."

- Elise Roy, Deaf Human Centered Designer (& former lawyer)

Normally don’t pay attention to the sound of snow below my chucks or windshield wipers on my Lyft, but this morning I was especially sensitive to that. Because I’ll be speaking with two individuals that find these sounds a lot more difficult to hear. I’m at the Google offices in Virginia with Dr. Vint Cerf Co-founder of the internet and Chief Evangelist at Google along with Elise Roy, a deaf lawyer, artist, artisan, and human rights advocate—and they both work in the vanguard of the social design movement. We’ll be discussing how human centered design is not for the slice of the pie—but for the greater good—and for all. I’m Seyi Fabode and this is episode one of ETS Now.