
The purpose of this monthly report is to track consumer sentiment about the priority level utilities should be placing on climate change initiatives and clean energy program investments in wind, solar, and electric vehicles (EVs). The results of the analysis are presented by age, U.S. region, and gender. The data in this report was collected at the end of July 2021.

The supporting data and figures in this report can be found in the accompanying data file.


The data and graphics in this report are from Zpryme’s monthly and quarterly consumer benchmarking surveys. Data is based upon a nationally representative survey sample of 1,000 U.S. adults (margin of error: +/- 3.5%).


  • Almost half (49.5%) said a high priority should be placed by utilities on climate change, with the northeast having the biggest group (57.2%) saying a high priority should be placed.
  • Forty-seven-point-five percent of the sample reported that utilities should place a high priority on investing in renewable energy, with more males (52.3%) than females (43.0%) saying a high priority should be placed on investing in renewables.
  • A review of findings from March to July 2021 revealed a small range in the forty percentages (45.3% to 49.5%) of entire samples saying utilities should place a high priority on climate change. This represents a relatively steady size group of respondents saying high priority. The region of those with the most saying high priority for climate change fluctuated between the northeast and west. As noted for climate change, the group of respondents saying utilities should place a high priority on investing in renewables has stayed in the forty percentages range (43.7% to 47.5%), with the northeast and west having the biggest proportions reporting a high priority for renewables investing by utilities.






Report (PDF), Data (XLSX)



Graphs, Tables

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  • 1 Report
  • 1 Data File

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